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相关模块 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -*- import tkinter,json,pythoncom import os,sys,wmi,winsound,win32api from os import stat,remove import random,win32print import gzip,io,win32com import time,win32com.client from tkinter.font import Font from tkinter import ttk from tkinter.colorchooser import * from tkinter.filedialog import * from tkinter.messagebox import * from ttkthemes import * #add ttkthemes in pycharm #copy ttkthemes-3.2.2 in the projext #cd E:\lab\trans-note21.210\ttkthemes-3.2.2 #python setup.py install from win32com.client import Dispatch, constants from win32com.client import DispatchEx from threading import Thread,Lock from threading import Timer from nt import system from datetime import datetime from hashlib import md5 import win32com.client as win32 from pathlib import Path # from pathlib import Path from wxpy import * #import wx # #pip install -U wxPython # docx files------------------------------- import pandas as pd import pypinyin,urllib,csv,docx,sympy,windnd,xlrd,xlsxwriter from pypinyin import Style import inspect import docx #pip install python_docx import qrcode,binascii,pyAesCrypt,chardet #from tkinter import filedialog from PIL import Image #add it pillow and pillow-pil in pycharm import fitz #pip install pymupdf #from pdf2image import convert_from_path # ## pip install pdf2image # or pip install --user pdf2image from pdfplumber import open as openpd #import pdfplumber # #add it in pycharm # pdfminer 在软件里可以不要,但是开发环境需要 import sqlite3 #for mail_log import matplotlib.pylab as plt import numpy as np from spellchecker import SpellChecker import enchant # from enchant.checker import SpellChecker # pip install pyenchant -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/ import openpyxl as vb import openpyxl from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl import load_workbook from itertools import chain from pypinyin import pinyin, Style from xml.dom.minidom import parse from string import * from pandas import read_csv # from pdf2docx import Converter import xlwings as xw # net------------------------------------- import requests from urllib.parse import urlencode import requests,mistune,smtplib import shutil,datetime,hashlib import http.client from aip import AipOcr import webbrowser as web from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys import baidu_fanyi_api_zh2en import baidu_fanyi_api_en2zh import baidu_fanyi_api_zh2jp import baidu_fanyi_api_jp2zh from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.header import Header from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart import wenxin_api #pip install wenxin_api # pip install docxcompose from docxcompose.composer import Composer import urllib.parse ''' pip or pip3 #pip install wenxin_api #pip install --upgrade wenxin_api #pip install websocket-client==0.57.0 pip3 install requests pip3 install baidu-aip pip3 install wxpy pip3 install line pip3 install sympy pip3 install openpyxl pip3 install xlsxwriter -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/ pip3 install pdfplumber pip3 install python-pptx pip3 install python-docx pip3 install qrcode pip3 install pyAesCrypt python setup.py install用来安装下载的python包 pip3 install mistune -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/ pip3 install pyspellchecker -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/ pip3 install pyinstaller -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/ pip3 install pyenchant -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/ pip uninstall pillow pip install pillow -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/ get pillow 9.5 python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip pip3 install windnd 拖放打开的模块 '''
删除选中目录和子目录的重复文件 def killrepeatfiles(): # from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon from pathlib import Path # def deltorecyclebin(filename): # res = shell.SHFileOperation((0, shellcon.FO_DELETE, filename, None, # shellcon.FOF_SILENT | shellcon.FOF_ALLOWUNDO | shellcon.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION, None, # None)) def getmd5(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() file_md5 = hashlib.new("md5", data).hexdigest() return file_md5 killrepeatwhere = askdirectory() + '/' # 批量翻译文档来源 workwhere2wzsbtp_laodoc=killrepeatwhere e1workwherewzsbtp_laowendang.delete(0, 'end') e1workwherewzsbtp_laowendang.insert(0, workwhere2wzsbtp_laodoc) path=killrepeatwhere all_size = {} total_file = 0 total_delete = 0 all_files = Path(path).glob('*.*') all_files = sorted(all_files, reverse=True) for file in all_files: size = file.stat().st_size name_and_md5 = [file, ''] if size in all_size.keys(): new_md5 = getmd5(file) if all_size[size][1] == '': all_size[size][1] = getmd5(all_size[size][0]) if new_md5 in all_size[size]: try: file.unlink() # deltorecyclebin(file) except: pass total_delete += 1 else: all_size[size].append(new_md5) else: all_size[size] = name_and_md5 total_file += 1 # print(f'删除当前目录重复文件') time.sleep(0.1) # showinfo('提示', f' 删除目录{path} 的重复文件. \n 文件总数:{total_file} \n 删除个数:{total_delete}') runingpb() # kill sub folders----------------------- allfile3 = [] def getallfile(path2): allfilelist = os.listdir(path2) for file in allfilelist: filepath = os.path.join(path2, file) # 判断是不是文件夹 if os.path.isdir(filepath): getallfile(filepath) # add sub folder's files allfile3.append(filepath) # path = folderlistpath3 path2 = killrepeatwhere getallfile(path2) # path = r"C:\Users\guest05\Desktop\cc" for item3 in allfile3: all_size = {} total_file = 0 total_delete = 0 all_files = Path(item3).glob('*.*') all_files = sorted(all_files, reverse=True) for file in all_files: size = file.stat().st_size name_and_md5 = [file, ''] if size in all_size.keys(): new_md5 = getmd5(file) if all_size[size][1] == '': all_size[size][1] = getmd5(all_size[size][0]) if new_md5 in all_size[size]: try: file.unlink() # deltorecyclebin(item3) except: pass total_delete += 1 else: all_size[size].append(new_md5) else: all_size[size] = name_and_md5 total_file += 1 # print(f'删除当前目录重复文件-子目录') print(f'文件总数:{total_file}') print(f'删除个数:{total_delete}') time.sleep(0.1) runingpb() showinfo('提示', '目录和子目录重复内容清理完毕.')
txt -> xlsx from openpyxl import Workbook from tkinter import ttk import csv from tkinter.colorchooser import * from tkinter.filedialog import * from tkinter.messagebox import * def txt2xlsxrd(): ret=askquestion('提示', '列和列之间用tab分割(或 空格),格式对了么?即将导出为xlsx表格,请选择保存位置。') if ret=='no': print('no') if ret=='yes': print('start') txt2xlsx() runingpb() def txt2xlsx(): neirongxlsx = textPad.get(1.0, END) fcsv=open("tocsv.txt", "w").write(neirongxlsx) #fcsv.close() csvFile2 = open("tmp.csv", 'w', newline='', encoding='GB2312') writer = csv.writer(csvFile2) csvRow = [] f = open("tocsv.txt", 'r', encoding='GB2312') for line in f: csvRow = line.split() writer.writerow(csvRow) f.close() csvFile2.close() # --csv to xlsx from openpyxl import Workbook data_initial = open("tmp.csv", "r") sys.getdefaultencoding() workbook = Workbook() worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0] with data_initial as f: data = csv.reader((line.replace('\0', '') for line in data_initial), delimiter=",") for r, row in enumerate(data): for c, col in enumerate(row): for idx, val in enumerate(col.split('/')): cell = worksheet.cell(row=r + 1, column=c + 1) cell.value = val outfilename = asksaveasfilename(initialfile='未命名.xlsx', defaultextension='.xlsx') workbook.save(outfilename)
调用 主流浏览器 谷歌 or edge打开网页版微信 def play2(): #web 微信 # import webbrowser # play_url='https://wx.qq.com/' # #http://fy.iciba.com/ # webbrowser.open(play_url) if os.path.exists('C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe'): import webbrowser as web #url = 'https://note.youdao.com/web' url='https://wx.qq.com/' browser_path = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe' web.register('Microsoft Edge', None, web.BackgroundBrowser(browser_path)) web.get('Microsoft Edge').open_new_tab(url) elif os.path.exists('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe'): import webbrowser as web #url = 'https://note.youdao.com/web' url='https://wx.qq.com/' browser_path = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe' web.register('chrome', None, web.BackgroundBrowser(browser_path)) web.get('chrome').open_new_tab(url) else: os.startfile("wxweb.exe") while not os.path.exists('C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe'): time.sleep(3) import webbrowser as web #url = 'https://note.youdao.com/' url='https://wx.qq.com/' browser_path = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe' web.register('chrome', None, web.BackgroundBrowser(browser_path)) web.get('chrome').open_new_tab(url)
epub转txt # from urllib.request import urlopen #pip install EbookLib from nt import chdir #pip install beautifulsoup4 pip install lxml import ebooklib #add ebooklib-re in pycharm from ebooklib import epub def readepub(): # from urllib.request import urlopen #pip install EbookLib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # from nt import chdir #pip install beautifulsoup4 pip install lxml showinfo('notice', '准备选一个epub文件,然后选择保存txt位置,接着耐心等待直到提示完成,过程中有进度条反复走动.') bookpath=askopenfilename(title='选一个epub文件', defaultextension='.epub') outfilenameepub2txt = asksaveasfilename(title='选择保存txt位置', initialfile='未命名.txt', defaultextension='.txt') import ebooklib #add ebooklib-re in pycharm from ebooklib import epub book = epub.read_epub(bookpath) i=0 # outfilename = asksaveasfilename(title='选择保存note位置', initialfile='未命名.note', defaultextension='.note') for doc in book.get_items_of_type(ebooklib.ITEM_DOCUMENT): # print (doc) for doc in book.get_items(): # 提取书中的文本内容 if doc.get_type() == ebooklib.ITEM_DOCUMENT: # epub中的内容是html格式,使用BeautifulSoup可以完美解析 soup = BeautifulSoup(doc.get_content(), 'html') # print(soup.text) # textPad.insert(1.0, soup.text) with open(outfilenameepub2txt, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as fileepub2txt: fileepub2txt.write(soup.text) runingpb() break showinfo('notice','输出txt完成')
利用正则的字符串的头尾查找 import re def superfind(): aa=entryvar.get() zz=entryvar2.get() print(aa) print(zz) super= re.findall(r"%s(.+?)%s"%(aa,zz), textPad.get(1.0, END)) print('super=', super) for i in super: print(i) super2 = str(i) print('super2=', super2) textPad.tag_config(super2,foreground='red') #sn4= abbcc', 'avvff def search(text_widget, keyword, tag): pos = '1.0' while True: idx = text_widget.search(keyword, pos, END) if not idx: break pos = '{}+{}c'.format(idx, len(keyword)) text_widget.tag_add(tag, idx, pos) search(textPad, super2,super2)# A Z search start glabel = ttk.Label(toolbar, text='A*Z:') glabel.pack(side=LEFT,pady=2) entryvar = StringVar() gentry = ttk.Entry(toolbar, textvariable=entryvar,width=13) gentry.pack(side=LEFT,pady=2) gentry.insert(0,'关键词A') entryvar2 = StringVar() gentry = ttk.Entry(toolbar, textvariable=entryvar2,width=13) gentry.pack(side=LEFT,pady=2) gentry.insert(0,'关键词Z') gbutton = ttk.Button(toolbar, command=superfind, text='查找',width=4) gbutton.pack(side=LEFT,pady=2)
表格变成文本后的转置 #pip install line import fileinput def biaozhuanzhi_xlsx(): import pandas as pd neirongxlsx2 = textPad.get(1.0, END) fcsv=open("tocsv2.txt", "w").write(neirongxlsx2) #fcsv.close() csvFile2 = open("tmp2.csv", 'w', newline='', encoding='GB2312') writer = csv.writer(csvFile2) csvRow = [] f = open("tocsv2.txt", 'r', encoding='GB2312') for line in f: csvRow = line.split() writer.writerow(csvRow) f.close() csvFile2.close() # --csv to xlsx from openpyxl import Workbook data_initial = open("tmp2.csv", "r") sys.getdefaultencoding() workbook = Workbook() worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0] with data_initial as f: data = csv.reader((line.replace('\0', '') for line in data_initial), delimiter=",") for r, row in enumerate(data): for c, col in enumerate(row): for idx, val in enumerate(col.split('/')): cell = worksheet.cell(row=r + 1, column=c + 1) cell.value = val #outfilename = asksaveasfilename(initialfile='未命名.xlsx', defaultextension='.xlsx') workbook.save('tmpxlsx2zhuan.xlsx') df = pd.read_excel('tmpxlsx2zhuan.xlsx') # 读取需要转置的文件 df = df.T # 转置 df.to_excel('tmpxlsx2zhuanhou.xlsx') # 另存为xlsx文件 textPad.delete("1.0", 'end') # global addxlsxfile #addxlsxfile = askopenfilename(defaultextension='.xlsx') wb = load_workbook('tmpxlsx2zhuanhou.xlsx') # 获取workbook中所有的表格 sheets = wb.sheetnames print(sheets) # 循环遍历所有sheet for i in range(len(sheets)): sheet = wb[sheets] print('\n\n第' + str(i + 1) + '个工作表: ' + sheet.title + '->>>\n') #textPad.insert('end', '\n\n第' + str(i + 1) + '个工作表: ' + sheet.title + '->>>\n') for r in range(1, sheet.max_row + 1): if r == 1: partt01 = ''.join( [str(sheet.cell(row=r, column=c).value).ljust(17) for c in range(1, sheet.max_column + 1)]).replace( 'None', '*') print(''.join( [str(sheet.cell(row=r, column=c).value).ljust(17) for c in range(1, sheet.max_column + 1)])) textPad.insert('end', partt01.replace('Unnamed:', '').replace('* 0 ', '0 ')) textPad.insert('end', '\n') else: partt02 = ''.join( [str(sheet.cell(row=r, column=c).value).ljust(17) for c in range(1, sheet.max_column + 1)]).replace( 'None', '*') print( ''.join([str(sheet.cell(row=r, column=c).value).ljust(17) for c in range(1, sheet.max_column + 1)])) textPad.insert('end', partt02.replace('Unnamed:', '').replace('* 0 ', '0 ')) textPad.insert('end', '\n') old01=textPad.get(1.0, 'end') open("zhengli01.txt", "w").write(old01) #删除第一行垃圾 import fileinput #pip install line for line in fileinput.input("zhengli01.txt", inplace=1): if not fileinput.isfirstline(): print(line.replace('\n', '')) with open("zhengli01.txt", "r") as zhenl01: zzzhenl=zhenl01.read() textPad.delete(1.0, END) textPad.insert(1.0, zzzhenl) runingpb()
比较两份文本列表的差异 import difflib def mychayi(): from itertools import chain from pypinyin import pinyin, Style showinfo('提示','在微信区(old) 和 翻译区(new) 分别 输入列表,每行一个词汇元素,对比增删元素差异会输出到 文本编辑区,然后文件菜单里 导出xlsx表。') # import difflib #part1 text1 = textPad5wxhuifu.get("1.0", 'end') contentOfpaixu1 = list(text1.split('\n')) def to_pinyin(s): return ''.join(chain.from_iterable(pinyin(s, style=Style.TONE3))) textPad5wxhuifu.delete("1.0", 'end') for word in sorted(contentOfpaixu1, key=to_pinyin): print(word) textPad5wxhuifu.insert('end', '\n' + word) text1_new=textPad5wxhuifu.get("1.0", 'end').replace('\n\n','') textPad5wxhuifu.delete("1.0", 'end') textPad5wxhuifu.insert('end',text1_new) #part2 text2 = textPad3fanyi.get("1.0", 'end') contentOfpaixu2 = list(text2.split('\n')) def to_pinyin(s): return ''.join(chain.from_iterable(pinyin(s, style=Style.TONE3))) textPad3fanyi.delete("1.0", 'end') for word in sorted(contentOfpaixu2, key=to_pinyin): print(word) textPad3fanyi.insert('end', '\n' + word) text2_new=textPad3fanyi.get("1.0", 'end').replace('\n\n','') textPad3fanyi.delete("1.0", 'end') textPad3fanyi.insert('end', text2_new) # duibi text1_lines = text1_new.splitlines() text2_lines = text2_new.splitlines() d = difflib.Differ() diff = d.compare(text1_lines, text2_lines) # print("\n".join(list(diff))) # mychayistr="\n".join(list(diff)) # print(type(mychayistr)) textPad.delete("1.0", 'end') textPad.insert('end', "\n".join(list(diff)))
文本转二维码 #qr-code import qrcode from PIL import Image #生成二维码图片 def make_qr(str,save): qr=qrcode.QRCode( version=4, #生成二维码尺寸的大小 1-40 1:21*21(21+(n-1)*4) error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_M, #L:7% M:15% Q:25% H:30% box_size=10, #每个格子的像素大小 border=2, #边框的格子宽度大小 ) qr.add_data(str) qr.make(fit=True) img=qr.make_image() img.save(save) #生成带logo的二维码图片 def make_logo_qr(str,logo,save): #参数配置 qr=qrcode.QRCode( version=4, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_Q, box_size=8, border=2 ) #添加转换内容 qr.add_data(str) qr.make(fit=True) #生成二维码 img=qr.make_image() img=img.convert("RGBA") #添加logo if logo and os.path.exists(logo): icon=Image.open(logo) #获取二维码图片的大小 img_w,img_h=img.size factor=4 size_w=int(img_w/factor) size_h=int(img_h/factor) #logo图片的大小不能超过二维码图片的1/4 icon_w,icon_h=icon.size if icon_w>size_w: icon_w=size_w if icon_h>size_h: icon_h=size_h icon=icon.resize((icon_w,icon_h),Image.ANTIALIAS) #详见:http://pillow.readthedocs.org/handbook/tutorial.html #计算logo在二维码图中的位置 w=int((img_w-icon_w)/2) h=int((img_h-icon_h)/2) icon=icon.convert("RGBA") img.paste(icon,(w,h),icon) #详见:http://pillow.readthedocs.org/re ... L.Image.Image.paste #保存处理后图片 img.save(save) def qrout(): qrneirong = textPad.get(1.0, 'end') open("qrnote.txt", "wt").write(qrneirong) outfilenamepng = asksaveasfilename(title='保存二维码',initialfile='未命名qrcode.png', defaultextension='.png') save_path =outfilenamepng # 生成后的保存文件 logo = 'logo.jpg' # logo图片 print('把文字区内容生成二维码,如果程序同目录放一个logo.jpg,则二维码更美观。') time.sleep(1) path = os.getcwd() + r'\qrnote.txt' print(path) f = open(path, 'rt', encoding='UTF-8') str = qrneirong = textPad.get(1.0, 'end') # make_qr(str) str2=str.replace('\t', '\n ') make_logo_qr(str2, logo, save_path) runingpb() os.startfile( outfilenamepng) #qr-code-end------------------
pdf -> jpg or png import fitz def pdftoimgha(): showinfo('提示', '万一PDF多页,一些 PNG 图片文件会产生在PDF文件同目录,推荐建立空文件夹后把PDF文件放入.开始选择PDF->') # png pdfPath =askopenfilename(defaultextension='.pdf') doc = fitz.open(pdfPath) pdf_name = os.path.splitext(pdfPath)[0] for pg in range(doc.pageCount): page = doc[pg] rotate = int(0) # 每个尺寸的缩放系数为2,这将为我们生成分辨率提高四倍的图像。 zoom_x = 2.0 zoom_y = 2.0 trans = fitz.Matrix(zoom_x, zoom_y).preRotate(rotate) pm = page.getPixmap(matrix=trans, alpha=False) pm.writePNG('%s-%s.png'%(pdf_name,pg)) im = Image.open('%s-%s.png' % (pdf_name, pg)) im.save('%s-%s.jpg' % (pdf_name, pg)) os.remove('%s-%s.jpg' % (pdf_name, pg)) showinfo('提示', '文件产生完毕') def pdftoimgha2jpg(): showinfo('提示', '万一PDF多页,一些 JPG 图片文件会产生在PDF文件同目录,推荐建立空文件夹后把PDF文件放入.开始选择PDF->') #jpg pdfPath =askopenfilename(defaultextension='.pdf') doc = fitz.open(pdfPath) pdf_name = os.path.splitext(pdfPath)[0] for pg in range(doc.pageCount): page = doc[pg] rotate = int(0) # 每个尺寸的缩放系数为2,这将为我们生成分辨率提高四倍的图像。 zoom_x = 2.0 zoom_y = 2.0 trans = fitz.Matrix(zoom_x, zoom_y).preRotate(rotate) pm = page.getPixmap(matrix=trans, alpha=False) pm.writePNG('%s-%s.png'%(pdf_name,pg)) im = Image.open('%s-%s.png' % (pdf_name, pg)) im.save('%s-%s.jpg' % (pdf_name, pg)) os.remove('%s-%s.png'%(pdf_name,pg))
批量文件夹 解压 import shutil import zipfile def plwjjjieya(): showinfo('提示', '去选择一个文件夹,把它里边的zip压缩包各自解压..') parent_path = askdirectory() + '/' # 文件类型选择 # 可以自行更改压缩文件类型,需要引入其它工具包,如tarfile等 # 这里是因为在自己的windows上,zip比较常见,其他类型请自行更改 file_flag = '.zip' # 修改需解压的格式 例如:.rar # 删除已解压的zip文件 # 不建议初次使用,在确定程序无误后可以添加使用 def del_old_zip(file_path): os.remove(file_path) # 解压 def decompress(file_path, root): # 开始 # zipfile打开zip文件 z = zipfile.ZipFile(f'{file_path}', 'r') # 解压 z.extractall(path=f"{root}") # path为解压路径,解包后位于该路径下 # 判断是否需要重复解包 for names in z.namelist(): if names.endswith(file_flag): z.close() return 1 # 结束 z.close() return 0 # 因为我在使用过程中发现有些zip解包后会混在一起 # 在平时大家手动解压时可能也会遇到提示是否覆盖的问题 # 下面的两个函数解决这一问题 # 开始要先创建一个大文件夹 与压缩包名字相同 # 避免后期混乱和麻烦 def start_dir_make(root, dirname): os.chdir(root) os.mkdir(dirname) return os.path.join(root, dirname) # 去除多余文件夹 def rem_dir_extra(root, father_dir_name): # 递归要注意信息的正常处理 搞不好上一个调用已经改变了东西 而下面的调用还是使用之前的数据 try: # 判断文件夹重名 开始 for item in os.listdir(os.path.join(root, father_dir_name)): # 第一步判断是不是一个文件夹,如果不是则跳过本次循环 if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, father_dir_name, item)): continue # 判断是否要脱掉一层目录结构 # 文件夹名字要相同,且子目录中只有单独的一个文件夹 if item == father_dir_name and len( os.listdir(os.path.join(root, father_dir_name))) == 1: # 改变工作目录 os.chdir(root) # 将无用文件夹重命名,因为直接移动会有重名错误 os.rename(father_dir_name, father_dir_name + '-old') # 移动文件后删除空文件夹 shutil.move(os.path.join(root, father_dir_name + '-old', item), os.path.join(root)) os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, father_dir_name + '-old')) # 将去掉一层目录结构后的文件夹继续作为父本递归处理下去 # 这里要注意,上面已经发生过数据的改动,所以下面递归传参一定要正确! rem_dir_extra(root, item) else: # 处理那些不满足上面条件的文件夹 rem_dir_extra(os.path.join(root, father_dir_name), item) except Exception as e: # 打印错误信息 print("清除文件夹出错" + str(e)) # 入口 flag = 1 while flag: # 循环遍历文件夹 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(parent_path): # 读取文件名 for name in files: if name.endswith(file_flag): # 创建文件夹 new_ws = start_dir_make(root, name.replace(file_flag, '')) # zip文件地址 zip_path = os.path.join(root, name) # 解压 flag = decompress(zip_path, new_ws) # 删除解压后的文件 # 但不删除又可能会重复运行 # 一定要备份或先测试,不然可能会凉,自己选择修改 del_old_zip(zip_path) # 去掉多余的文件结构 rem_dir_extra(root, name.replace(file_flag, '')) print(f'{root}\\{name}'.join(['文件:', '\n解压完成\n'])) # 由于解压可能解了好几次 所以可能会有已经解压好的父级目录重名无法处理 这里要再处理一次 rem_dir_extra(os.path.split(parent_path)[0], os.path.split(parent_path)[1]) print("解压完成啦,记得检查有没有zip格式之外的呀!\n\n其他格式需要自己改一下了") showinfo('提示', '批量解压缩任务完成.')
批量文件夹压缩 import zipfile def plwjjyasuo(): showinfo('提示', '去选择一个文件夹,把它里边的子文件夹各自都产生独立压缩包.') def zip_yasuo(start_dir): file_news = start_dir + '.zip' if not os.path.isfile(file_news): z = zipfile.ZipFile(file_news, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for dir_path, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(start_dir): file_path = dir_path.replace(start_dir, '') file_path = file_path and file_path + os.sep or '' for filename in file_names: z.write(os.path.join(dir_path, filename), file_path + filename) z.close() base_path = askdirectory() + '/' base_path_list = os.listdir(base_path) for base_path_list_one in base_path_list: base_path_list_one_dir = os.path.join(base_path, base_path_list_one) # 子目录 print("准备压缩需要压缩的子目录", base_path_list_one_dir) if os.path.isdir(base_path_list_one_dir): zip_yasuo(base_path_list_one_dir) runingpb() showinfo('提示', '批量压缩任务完成.')
show pc info import os,sys,wmi,winsound,win32api c = wmi.WMI() def addpcinfo(): global list list = [] def info(): list.append("电脑硬件信息") list.append("\n") for interface in c.Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration(IPEnabled=1): print(interface.MACAddress) macaddr = interface.MACAddress for plan_planess in interface.IPAddress: print(plan_planess) for BIOSs in c.Win32_ComputerSystem(): list.append("**主 机 名: %s" % BIOSs.Caption) list.append("**用 户 名: %s" % BIOSs.UserName) list.append("\n") for BIOS in c.Win32_BIOS(): list.append("**Bios描述: %s" % BIOS.Description) list.append("**序列号: %s" % BIOS.SerialNumber) list.append("\n") for processor in c.Win32_Processor(): list.append("**CPU型号: %s" % processor.Name.strip()) list.append("**CPU内核: %s 个" % processor.NumberOfCores ) list.append("**CPU基准频率: %s GHz" % (processor.MaxClockSpeed / 1000 )) list.append("\n") for memmodule in c.Win32_PhysicalMemory(): totalmemsize = int(memmodule.Capacity) list.append("**内存厂商: %s" % memmodule.Manufacturer.replace('80AD000080AD','海力士').replace('04CB','威刚')) list.append("**内存型号: %s" % memmodule.PartNumber) list.append("**内存大小: %.2fGB" % (totalmemsize / 1024 ** 3)) list.append("\n") try: list.append("**内存频率: %s MHz" % memmodule.ConfiguredClockSpeed) list.append("\n") except : print('mem output error') for xk in c.Win32_VideoController(): list.append("**显卡名称: %s" % xk.name) #list.append("视频适配器的内存: %s MB" % (xk.AdapterRAM / 1024 ** 2)) list.append("\n") #https://blog.csdn.net/yw1688/article/details/52386859 for snk in c.Win32_SoundDevice(): list.append("**声卡名称: %s" % snk.name) list.append("\n") for disk in c.Win32_DiskDrive(InterfaceType="IDE"): diskSize = int(disk.size) list.append("**磁盘名称: %s" % disk.Caption) list.append("\n") list.append("**磁盘大小: %.2fGB" % (diskSize / 1024 ** 3)) list.append("\n") list.append("**磁盘序列号: %s" % disk.SerialNumber) list.append("\n") list.append("**驱动器类型 : %s" % disk.InterfaceType ) list.append("\n") for disk in c.Win32_DiskDrive(InterfaceType="SCSI"): diskSize = int(disk.size) list.append("**磁盘名称: %s" % disk.Caption) list.append("\n") list.append("**磁盘大小: %.2fGB" % (diskSize / 1024 ** 3)) list.append("\n") list.append("**磁盘序列号: %s" % disk.SerialNumber) list.append("\n") list.append("**驱动器类型 : %s" % disk.InterfaceType) list.append("\n") for disk in c.Win32_DiskDrive(InterfaceType="HDC"): diskSize = int(disk.size) list.append("**磁盘名称: %s" % disk.Caption) list.append("\n") list.append("**磁盘大小: %.2fGB" % (diskSize / 1024 ** 3)) list.append("\n") list.append("**磁盘序列号: %s" % disk.SerialNumber) list.append("\n") list.append("**驱动器类型 : %s" % disk.InterfaceType) list.append("\n") for disk in c.Win32_DiskDrive(InterfaceType="1394"): diskSize = int(disk.size) list.append("**磁盘名称: %s" % disk.Caption) list.append("\n") list.append("**磁盘大小: %.2fGB" % (diskSize / 1024 ** 3)) list.append("\n") list.append("**磁盘序列号: %s " % disk.SerialNumber) list.append("\n") list.append("**驱动器类型 : %s" % disk.InterfaceType) list.append("\n") for interface in c.Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration(IPEnabled=1): list.append(" **当前IP地址: %s" % interface.IPAddress[0]) list.append("**当前MAC地址: %s" % macaddr) list.append("\n") info() #runingpb() textPad.insert('end', list) textPad3fanyi.insert('end',textPad.get("1.0", 'end')) newpcinfo=textPad3fanyi.get("1.0", 'end').replace("} {",'\n').replace('\n\n\n','\n').replace('}\n','').replace('**主 机 名','**主机名').replace('**用 户 名','**用户名').replace(' MHz','MHz').replace(' GHz','GHz').replace('电脑硬件信息 {\n\n','') #.replace(' ','') textPad.delete("1.0", 'end') textPad.insert("1.0", newpcinfo) textPad3fanyi.delete("1.0", 'end')
利用人脸识别 做锁屏工具 from aip import AipFace #baidu-aip in pycharm import os import requests #pip install requests pywin32 pyinstaller beautifulsoup4 lxml import base64 import json import cv2 #cv2-tools cv2studio in pycharm #pyinstaller -F renlian2.py #python -m pip install --upgrade pip import time import datetime APP_ID = '17694229' API_KEY = '7ZDjWakxDGB1bbmBhFvANL3Z' SECRET_KEY = 'GV2r2muWwSzfIqxPKwNLadSOdSv3SpU' global null null='' ''' baidu-yun-api mgmt https://login.bce.baidu.com/?account=&redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fconsole.bce.baidu.com%2Fai%2F%3F_%3D1572830160601%26fromai%3D1#/ai/speech/overview/index pip https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ ''' # 1,准备好申请的人脸识别api,API Key, Secret Key api1="https://aip.baidubce.com/oauth/2.0/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=7ZDjWakxDGB1bbmBhFvANL3Z&client_secret=GV2r2muWwSzfIqxPKwNLadSOdSv3SpU" # api2="https://aip.baidubce.com/rest/2.0/face/v3/match" # 2,获取token值,拼接API def get_token(): response=requests.get(api1) access_token=eval(response.text)['access_token'] api2="https://aip.baidubce.com/rest/2.0/face/v3/match"+"?access_token="+access_token return api2 # 3,读取图片数据 def read_img(img1,img2): with open(img1,'rb') as f: pic1=base64.b64encode(f.read()) with open(img2,'rb') as f: pic2=base64.b64encode(f.read()) params=json.dumps([ {"image":str(pic1,"utf-8"),"image_type":'BASE64',"face_type":"LIVE"}, {"image":str(pic2,"utf-8"),"image_type":'BASE64',"face_type":"IDCARD"} ]) return params # 4,发起请求拿到对比结果 def analyse_img(file1,file2): params=read_img(file1,file2) api=get_token() content=requests.post(api,params).text #print(content) content2=content+' at '+datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') with open("jtlog.txt", "a") as rbfile: rbfile.write(content2) rbfile.close() with open("jtlog2.txt", "wt") as rb2file: rb2file.write(content2) rb2file.close() time.sleep(1) with open("jtlog2.txt", "rt") as rb3file: zhuaqu=rb3file.read()+' haha' if '222013' in zhuaqu: print('ghost format error') os.startfile('lock.bat') if 'pic not has face' in zhuaqu: print('ghost:pic not has face') os.startfile('lock.bat') score=eval(content)['result']['score'] if score>79: print('相似度为'+str(score)+',是同一人') time.sleep(5) else: print('相似度为'+str(score)+',不是同一人') os.startfile('lock.bat') #https://blog.csdn.net/python_pycharm/article/details/80808179 #调用笔记本内置摄像头,所以参数为0,如果有其他的摄像头可以调整参数为1,2 cap=cv2.VideoCapture(0) sucess,img=cap.read() k=cv2.waitKey(1) time.sleep(1) cv2.imwrite("tmp.jpg",img) time.sleep(2) print('loading...') if k == 27: #通过esc键退出摄像 cv2.destroyAllWindows() time.sleep(1) cap.release() #close capture time.sleep(2) analyse_img("my.jpg","tmp.jpg")
lock.bat内容 : rundll32.exe user32.dll LockWorkStation 批量制作指定目录所有图片的缩略图 主程序代码 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -*- # @Time: 2020/9/5 # @Author:luojiabei-rogabet import win32api import sys, time, re, os import tkinter as tk from tkinter.ttk import * from tkinter import * from tkinter import filedialog disk_list = [] def find_disk(): # 遍历盘符 for i in range(65, 91): vol = chr(i) + ':/' if os.path.isdir(vol): disk_list.append(vol) print("系统盘符:", disk_list) def BianLi(rootDir, filename): inputd() pattenA = re.compile(u"%s" % filename) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootDir): for file in files: # fileSize = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(root,file)) path = os.path.join(root, file) path = path.replace("\\", "/") patha=path match_A = pattenA.search(path) #ext_name = 'jpg'|'png'|'gif' #match_B=match_A.endswith(ext_name) if match_A: print(patha) ext_name = 'jpg' if patha.endswith(ext_name): print(patha) import yasuo2 yasuo2.resize_image(patha) ext_name2 = 'png' if patha.endswith(ext_name2): print(patha) import yasuo2 yasuo2.resize_image(patha) ext_name3 = 'gif' if patha.endswith(ext_name3): print(patha) import yasuo2 yasuo2.resize_image(patha) def BianLikb(rootDir, filename): inputd() pattenA = re.compile(u"%s" % filename) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootDir): for file in files: # fileSize = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(root,file)) path = os.path.join(root, file) path = path.replace("\\", "/") patha=path match_A = pattenA.search(path) if match_A: print(patha) dst_path = patha ext_name = 'jpg' if patha.endswith(ext_name): print(patha) import yasuo2 yasuo2.resize_image(patha) ext_name2 = 'png' if patha.endswith(ext_name2): print(patha) import yasuo2 yasuo2.resize_image(patha) ext_name3 = 'gif' if patha.endswith(ext_name3): print(patha) import yasuo2 yasuo2.resize_image(patha) def savekuan(): kuan2 = t3.get(0.0, 'end') kuan = kuan2.replace('\n', '') with open("kuanjpg.txt", "w") as wantfile: wantfile.writelines(kuan) def savesize(): mb2 = t2.get(0.0, 'end') mb = mb2.replace('\n', '') with open("sizejpg.txt", "w") as wantfile: wantfile.writelines(mb) def inputd(): global filename filename = t1.get(0.0, 'end') filename = filename.replace('\n', '') def runkuan(): inputd() print(filename) find_disk() for i in disk_list: print("[+]正在搜索%s盘" % i) BianLi(i, filename) progress() print("[+]完成检索!") def runkb(): inputd() print(filename) find_disk() for i in disk_list: print("[+]正在搜索%s盘" % i) BianLikb(i, filename) progresskb() print("[+]完成检索!") root = tk.Tk() root.title('Rogabet-搜索图片文件->批量产生缩略图(\images里)') root.geometry('450x180') l1 = tk.Label(root, text='具体使用-查看使用说明:') l1.grid() t1 = tk.Text(root, width=27, height=2) t1.grid(row=1, column=1) b1 = tk.Button(root, text="*输入要处理的文件名全名或前缀名:", width=35) b1.grid(row=1, column=0) b4=tk.Button(root,text='*压到多少宽度?(如输入790-输入后点我):',width=35,command=savekuan) b4.grid(row=3,column=0) t3=tk.Text(root,width=9,height=1,autoseparators=False) t3.grid(row=3,column=1) b1=tk.Button(root,text='压到多少KB?(如输入300-输入后点我):',width=35,command=savesize) b1.grid(row=5,column=0) t2=tk.Text(root,width=9,height=1,autoseparators=False) t2.grid(row=5,column=1) b5 = tk.Button(root, text="搜到的图都产生缩略图( KB)(\images里)", width=35, command=runkb) b5.grid(row=6, column=0) b3 = tk.Button(root, text="**搜到的图都产生缩略图( 宽)(\images里)", width=35, command=runkuan) b3.grid(row=4, column=0) def progress(): # 填充进度条 fill_line = canvas.create_rectangle(1.5, 1.5, 0, 23, width=0, fill="green") x = 500 # 未知变量,可更改 n = 465 / x # 465是矩形填充满的次数 for i in range(x): n = n + 465 / x canvas.coords(fill_line, (0, 0, n, 60)) root.update() time.sleep(0.02) # 控制进度条流动的速度 # 清空进度条 fill_line = canvas.create_rectangle(1.5, 1.5, 0, 23, width=0, fill="white") x = 500 # 未知变量,可更改 n = 465 / x # 465是矩形填充满的次数 for t in range(x): n = n + 465 / x # 以矩形的长度作为变量值更新 canvas.coords(fill_line, (0, 0, n, 60)) root.update() time.sleep(0) # 时间为0,即飞速清空进度条 def progresskb(): # 填充进度条 fill_line = canvas2.create_rectangle(1.5, 1.5, 0, 23, width=0, fill="green") x = 500 # 未知变量,可更改 n = 465 / x # 465是矩形填充满的次数 for i in range(x): n = n + 465 / x canvas2.coords(fill_line, (0, 0, n, 60)) root.update() time.sleep(0.02) # 控制进度条流动的速度 # 清空进度条 fill_line = canvas2.create_rectangle(1.5, 1.5, 0, 23, width=0, fill="white") x = 500 # 未知变量,可更改 n = 465 / x # 465是矩形填充满的次数 for t in range(x): n = n + 465 / x # 以矩形的长度作为变量值更新 canvas2.coords(fill_line, (0, 0, n, 60)) root.update() time.sleep(0) # 时间为0,即飞速清空进度条 canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=200, height=23, bg="white") canvas.grid(row=4, column=1) #kuan canvas2 = tk.Canvas(root, width=200, height=23, bg="white") canvas2.grid(row=6, column=1) #kb root.mainloop() 以下是用来调用的模块 yasuo2.py from PIL import Image #from shutil import copyfile import os,time def readsize(): with open("sizejpg.txt", "r") as want2file: mysize=want2file.readline() global mysize2 mysize2=int(str(mysize)) def readkuan(): with open("kuanjpg.txt", "r") as kuanfile: mykuan=kuanfile.readline() global mykuan2 mykuan2=int(str(mykuan)) def get_size(file): # 获取文件大小:KB size = os.path.getsize(file) return size / 1024 def get_outfile(infile, outfile): if outfile: return outfile print("处理:"+infile) #分隔目录和文件名 pathb, allname = os.path.split(infile) #分隔盘符和文件名 #drv, left = os.path.splitdrive(spath) #分隔文件和扩展名 # dir, suffix = os.path.splitext(infile) frontname, ext = os.path.splitext(allname) pathc = pathb + '/images/' #os.makedirs(pathc) #outfile = '{}{}-out{}'.format(pathc, frontname,ext) if os.path.exists(pathc): outfile = '{}{}-out{}'.format(pathc, frontname, ext) else: os.makedirs(pathc) outfile = '{}{}-out{}'.format(pathc, frontname, ext) return outfile #压缩文件到指定大小,我期望的是150KB,step和quality可以修改到最合适的数值 def compress_image(infile, outfile='',mb=300, step=10, quality=80): """不改变图片尺寸压缩到指定大小 :param infile: 压缩源文件 :param outfile: 压缩文件保存地址 :param mb: 压缩目标,KB :param step: 每次调整的压缩比率 :param quality: 初始压缩比率 :return: 压缩文件地址,压缩文件大小 """ o_size = get_size(infile) readsize() mb=mysize2 print('mb%s'%mb) if o_size <= mb: return infile outfile = get_outfile(infile, outfile) while o_size > mb: im = Image.open(infile) im.save(outfile, quality=quality) if quality - step < 0: break quality -= step o_size = get_size(outfile) return outfile, get_size(outfile) #修改图片尺寸,如果同时有修改尺寸和大小的需要,可以先修改尺寸,再压缩大小 def resize_image(infile, outfile='', x_s=1376): """修改图片尺寸 :param infile: 图片源文件 :param outfile: 重设尺寸文件保存地址 :param x_s: 设置的宽度 :return: """ readkuan() x_s = mykuan2 im = Image.open(infile) x, y = im.size y_s = int(y * x_s / x) out = im.resize((x_s, y_s), Image.ANTIALIAS) outfile = get_outfile(infile, outfile) out.save(outfile) #compress_image(r'space.jpg') #resize_image(r'space.jpg')
批量 压缩图片的工具 import os from tkinter.ttk import * from tkinter import * import tkinter as tk def savesize(): mb2 = t1.get(0.0, 'end') mb = mb2.replace('\n', '') with open("sizejpg.txt", "w") as wantfile: wantfile.writelines(mb) def savekuan(): kuan2 = t2.get(0.0, 'end') kuan = kuan2.replace('\n', '') with open("kuanjpg.txt", "w") as wantfile: wantfile.writelines(kuan) def yasuo300(): dst_path =os.getcwd() ext_name = 'jpg' for r, d, files in os.walk( dst_path ): for file in files: if file.endswith( ext_name ): print( file ) import yasuo yasuo.compress_image(file) def kuandu(): dst_path =os.getcwd() ext_name = 'jpg' for r, d, files in os.walk( dst_path ): for file in files: if file.endswith( ext_name ): print( file ) import yasuo yasuo.resize_image(file) root=tk.Tk() root.title('Bofey图片压缩 -> 按照 宽度 或 KB大小 ->批量压缩') root.geometry() l1=tk.Label(root,text='把该工具复制到待压图片文件夹后点开始-批量压缩') l1.grid(row=1,column=0) b1=tk.Button(root,text='压到多少KB?(如输入300-输入后点我):',width=35,command=savesize) b1.grid(row=2,column=0) t1=tk.Text(root,width=9,height=1,autoseparators=False) t1.grid(row=2,column=1) b2=tk.Button(root,text='压到多少宽度?(如输入790-输入后点我):',width=35,command=savekuan) b2.grid(row=3,column=0) t2=tk.Text(root,width=9,height=1,autoseparators=False) t2.grid(row=3,column=1) b3=tk.Button(root,text="开始(指定KB),新文件名out结尾",width=28,command=yasuo300) b3.grid(row=2,column=2) b3=tk.Button(root,text="开始(指定宽度),新文件名out结尾",width=28,command=kuandu) b3.grid(row=3,column=2) root.mainloop() 以下是 用来调用的 yasuo.py 模块 from PIL import Image #from shutil import copyfile import os,time def readsize(): with open("sizejpg.txt", "r") as want2file: mysize=want2file.readline() global mysize2 mysize2=int(str(mysize)) def readkuan(): with open("kuanjpg.txt", "r") as kuanfile: mykuan=kuanfile.readline() global mykuan2 mykuan2=int(str(mykuan)) def get_size(file): # 获取文件大小:KB size = os.path.getsize(file) return size / 1024 def get_outfile(infile, outfile): if outfile: return outfile dir, suffix = os.path.splitext(infile) path = os.getcwd() + '\\images\\' #outfile = os.getcwd() + '\\images\\' + '{}-out{}'.format(dir, suffix) if os.path.exists(path): outfile = os.getcwd() + '\\images\\' + '{}-out{}'.format(dir, suffix) else: os.makedirs(path) outfile = os.getcwd() + '\\images\\' + '{}-out{}'.format(dir, suffix) #finally: #outfile = os.getcwd() + '\\images\\'+'{}-out{}'.format(dir, suffix) return outfile #压缩文件到指定大小,我期望的是150KB,step和quality可以修改到最合适的数值 def compress_image(infile, outfile='',mb=300, step=10, quality=80): """不改变图片尺寸压缩到指定大小 :param infile: 压缩源文件 :param outfile: 压缩文件保存地址 :param mb: 压缩目标,KB :param step: 每次调整的压缩比率 :param quality: 初始压缩比率 :return: 压缩文件地址,压缩文件大小 """ o_size = get_size(infile) readsize() mb=mysize2 print('mb%s'%mb) if o_size <= mb: return infile outfile = get_outfile(infile, outfile) while o_size > mb: im = Image.open(infile) im.save(outfile, quality=quality) if quality - step < 0: break quality -= step o_size = get_size(outfile) return outfile, get_size(outfile) #修改图片尺寸,如果同时有修改尺寸和大小的需要,可以先修改尺寸,再压缩大小 def resize_image(infile, outfile='', x_s=1376): """修改图片尺寸 :param infile: 图片源文件 :param outfile: 重设尺寸文件保存地址 :param x_s: 设置的宽度 :return: """ readkuan() x_s = mykuan2 im = Image.open(infile) x, y = im.size y_s = int(y * x_s / x) out = im.resize((x_s, y_s), Image.ANTIALIAS) outfile = get_outfile(infile, outfile) out.save(outfile) #compress_image(r'space.jpg') #resize_image(r'space.jpg')
利用sqlite做资产管理 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -*- import win32api import sys, time, re, os import tkinter as tk from tkinter.ttk import * from tkinter import * import sqlite3 import csv, codecs #author: 罗加贝 2021 def itemdeleted(): index2es = lb.curselection() if (len(index2es) == 0): return if (len(index2es) == 1): wantdelit=lb.get(index2es) print(wantdelit[0]) #序列号 wantdelititem=wantdelit[0] conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''DELETE from pcmgr where pc_sn = ?''' values = cursor.execute(sql, ( wantdelititem, )) conn.commit() #update db if (len(index2es) > 1): for index in index2es: # print(lb.get(index)) mysel_ph = lb.get(index) print(mysel_ph[0]) # 序列号 wantdelititem_sn = mysel_ph[0] conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''DELETE from pcmgr where pc_sn = ?''' values = cursor.execute(sql, (wantdelititem_sn,)) conn.commit() # update db def db2txt(): #sel item to txt indexs = lb.curselection() for index in indexs: #print(lb.get(index)) mysel = lb.get(index) print(str(mysel)) with open("exportdev.txt", "a") as want2file: want2file.writelines( str(mysel).replace("('", '').replace("')", '').replace("',", '').replace("'", '') + '\n') want2file.close() # to csv csvFile2 = open("exportdev.csv", 'w', newline='', encoding='GB2312') writer = csv.writer(csvFile2) csvRow = [] f = open("exportdev.txt", 'r', encoding='GB2312') for line in f: csvRow = line.split() writer.writerow(csvRow) f.close() csvFile2.close() runingpb() def csv2db(): import pandas conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") df = pandas.read_csv('device.csv', encoding="GB2312") df.to_sql('pcmgr', conn, if_exists='append', index=False) runingpb() def createpcmgr(): conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''Create table pcmgr( pc_sn text, pc_model text, ip_addr text, mac_addr text, user text, dept text, in_out_lan text, port_location text, use_status text, getit_time text, devitstype text, hostname_tip text)''' cursor.execute(sql) cursor.close() conn.close() def add_anpc(): conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() new_pc_sn=input_pc_sn.get() new_pc_model=input_pc_model.get() new_ip_addr=input_ip_addr.get() new_mac_addr=input_mac_addr.get() new_user=input_user.get() new_dept=input_dept.get() new_in_out_lan=input_in_out_lan.get() new_port_location=input_port_location.get() new_use_status=input_use_status.get() new_getit_time=input_getit_time.get() new_devitstype=input_devitstype.get() new_hostname_tip=input_hostname_tip.get() newlog = (new_pc_sn, new_pc_model, new_ip_addr,new_mac_addr,new_user,new_dept,new_in_out_lan,new_port_location,new_use_status,new_getit_time,new_devitstype,new_hostname_tip) sql = '''INSERT into pcmgr values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)''' cursor.execute(sql, newlog) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close() def showallpcs(): lb.delete(0, END) conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''SELECT pc_sn, pc_model, ip_addr,mac_addr,user,dept,in_out_lan,port_location,use_status,getit_time,devitstype,hostname_tip from pcmgr''' results=cursor.execute(sql) allpcs=results.fetchall() for anpc in allpcs: lb.insert(END, anpc) #print(type(anpc)) #tuple cursor.close() conn.close() runingpb() def cleanthem(): lb.delete(0, END) #数据库模糊搜索 def searchanpc(): search_pc_sn = input_pc_sn.get() search_pc_model = input_pc_model.get() search_ip_addr = input_ip_addr.get() search_mac_addr = input_mac_addr.get() search_user = input_user.get() search_dept = input_dept.get() search_in_out_lan = input_in_out_lan.get() search_port_location = input_port_location.get() search_use_status = input_use_status.get() search_getit_time = input_getit_time.get() search_devitstype = input_devitstype.get() search_hostname_tip = input_hostname_tip.get() if search_ip_addr != '': lb.delete(0, END) conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''SELECT pc_sn, pc_model, ip_addr,mac_addr,user,dept,in_out_lan,port_location,use_status,getit_time,devitstype,hostname_tip from pcmgr where ip_addr like ?''' values = cursor.execute(sql, ( '%'+search_ip_addr+'%',)) for itt in values: lb.insert(END, itt[0] + ' ' + itt[1] + ' ' + itt[2] + ' ' + itt[3] + ' ' + itt[4] + ' ' + itt[ 5] + ' ' + itt[6] + ' ' + itt[7] + ' ' + itt[8] + ' ' + itt[9] + ' ' + itt[ 10] + ' ' + itt[11]) #print(type(itt))#tuple cursor.close() conn.close() if search_pc_sn != '': lb.delete(0, END) conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''SELECT pc_sn, pc_model, ip_addr,mac_addr,user,dept,in_out_lan,port_location,use_status,getit_time,devitstype,hostname_tip from pcmgr where pc_sn like ?''' values = cursor.execute(sql, ('%'+search_pc_sn+'%',)) for itt in values: lb.insert(END, itt[0] + ' ' + itt[1] + ' ' + itt[2] + ' ' + itt[3] + ' ' + itt[4] + ' ' + itt[ 5] + ' ' + itt[6] + ' ' + itt[7] + ' ' + itt[8] + ' ' + itt[9] + ' ' + itt[ 10] + ' ' + itt[11]) cursor.close() conn.close() if search_use_status != '': lb.delete(0, END) conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''SELECT pc_sn, pc_model, ip_addr,mac_addr,user,dept,in_out_lan,port_location,use_status,getit_time,devitstype,hostname_tip from pcmgr where use_status like ?''' values = cursor.execute(sql, ('%' + search_use_status + '%',)) for itt in values: lb.insert(END, itt[0] + ' ' + itt[1] + ' ' + itt[2] + ' ' + itt[3] + ' ' + itt[4] + ' ' + itt[ 5] + ' ' + itt[6] + ' ' + itt[7] + ' ' + itt[8] + ' ' + itt[9] + ' ' + itt[ 10] + ' ' + itt[11]) cursor.close() conn.close() if search_getit_time != '': lb.delete(0, END) conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''SELECT pc_sn, pc_model, ip_addr,mac_addr,user,dept,in_out_lan,port_location,use_status,getit_time,devitstype,hostname_tip from pcmgr where getit_time like ?''' values = cursor.execute(sql, ('%' + search_getit_time + '%',)) for itt in values: lb.insert(END, itt[0] + ' ' + itt[1] + ' ' + itt[2] + ' ' + itt[3] + ' ' + itt[4] + ' ' + itt[ 5] + ' ' + itt[6] + ' ' + itt[7] + ' ' + itt[8] + ' ' + itt[9] + ' ' + itt[ 10] + ' ' + itt[11]) cursor.close() conn.close() if search_port_location != '': lb.delete(0, END) conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''SELECT pc_sn, pc_model, ip_addr,mac_addr,user,dept,in_out_lan,port_location,use_status,getit_time,devitstype,hostname_tip from pcmgr where port_location like ?''' values = cursor.execute(sql, ('%' + search_port_location + '%',)) for itt in values: lb.insert(END, itt[0] + ' ' + itt[1] + ' ' + itt[2] + ' ' + itt[3] + ' ' + itt[4] + ' ' + itt[ 5] + ' ' + itt[6] + ' ' + itt[7] + ' ' + itt[8] + ' ' + itt[9] + ' ' + itt[ 10] + ' ' + itt[11]) cursor.close() conn.close() if search_in_out_lan != '': lb.delete(0, END) conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''SELECT pc_sn, pc_model, ip_addr,mac_addr,user,dept,in_out_lan,port_location,use_status,getit_time,devitstype,hostname_tip from pcmgr where in_out_lan like ?''' values = cursor.execute(sql, ('%' + search_in_out_lan + '%',)) for itt in values: lb.insert(END, itt[0] + ' ' + itt[1] + ' ' + itt[2] + ' ' + itt[3] + ' ' + itt[4] + ' ' + itt[ 5] + ' ' + itt[6] + ' ' + itt[7] + ' ' + itt[8] + ' ' + itt[9] + ' ' + itt[ 10] + ' ' + itt[11]) cursor.close() conn.close() if search_dept != '': lb.delete(0, END) conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''SELECT pc_sn, pc_model, ip_addr,mac_addr,user,dept,in_out_lan,port_location,use_status,getit_time,devitstype,hostname_tip from pcmgr where dept like ?''' values = cursor.execute(sql, ('%' + search_dept + '%',)) for itt in values: lb.insert(END, itt[0] + ' ' + itt[1] + ' ' + itt[2] + ' ' + itt[3] + ' ' + itt[4] + ' ' + itt[ 5] + ' ' + itt[6] + ' ' + itt[7] + ' ' + itt[8] + ' ' + itt[9] + ' ' + itt[ 10] + ' ' + itt[11]) cursor.close() conn.close() if search_user != '': lb.delete(0, END) conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''SELECT pc_sn, pc_model, ip_addr,mac_addr,user,dept,in_out_lan,port_location,use_status,getit_time,devitstype,hostname_tip from pcmgr where user like ?''' values = cursor.execute(sql, ('%' + search_user + '%',)) for itt in values: lb.insert(END, itt[0] + ' ' + itt[1] + ' ' + itt[2] + ' ' + itt[3] + ' ' + itt[4] + ' ' + itt[ 5] + ' ' + itt[6] + ' ' + itt[7] + ' ' + itt[8] + ' ' + itt[9] + ' ' + itt[ 10] + ' ' + itt[11]) cursor.close() conn.close() if search_devitstype != '': lb.delete(0, END) conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''SELECT pc_sn, pc_model, ip_addr,mac_addr,user,dept,in_out_lan,port_location,use_status,getit_time,devitstype,hostname_tip from pcmgr where devitstype like ?''' values = cursor.execute(sql, ('%' + search_devitstype + '%',)) for itt in values: lb.insert(END, itt[0] + ' ' + itt[1] + ' ' + itt[2] + ' ' + itt[3] + ' ' + itt[4] + ' ' + itt[ 5] + ' ' + itt[6] + ' ' + itt[7] + ' ' + itt[8] + ' ' + itt[9] + ' ' + itt[ 10] + ' ' + itt[11]) cursor.close() conn.close() if search_mac_addr != '': lb.delete(0, END) conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''SELECT pc_sn, pc_model, ip_addr,mac_addr,user,dept,in_out_lan,port_location,use_status,getit_time,devitstype,hostname_tip from pcmgr where mac_addr like ?''' values = cursor.execute(sql, ( '%' +search_mac_addr+ '%' ,)) for itt in values: lb.insert(END, itt[0] + ' ' + itt[1] + ' ' + itt[2] + ' ' + itt[3] + ' ' + itt[4] + ' ' + itt[ 5] + ' ' + itt[6] + ' ' + itt[7] + ' ' + itt[8] + ' ' + itt[9] + ' ' + itt[ 10] + ' ' + itt[11]) cursor.close() conn.close() if search_pc_model!= '': lb.delete(0, END) conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''SELECT pc_sn, pc_model, ip_addr,mac_addr,user,dept,in_out_lan,port_location,use_status,getit_time,devitstype,hostname_tip from pcmgr where pc_model like ?''' values = cursor.execute(sql, ('%'+search_pc_model+'%',)) for itt in values: lb.insert(END, itt[0] + ' ' + itt[1] + ' ' + itt[2] + ' ' + itt[3] + ' ' + itt[4] + ' ' + itt[ 5] + ' ' + itt[6] + ' ' + itt[7] + ' ' + itt[8] + ' ' + itt[9] + ' ' + itt[ 10] + ' ' + itt[11]) cursor.close() conn.close() if search_hostname_tip != '': lb.delete(0, END) conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''SELECT pc_sn, pc_model, ip_addr,mac_addr,user,dept,in_out_lan,port_location,use_status,getit_time,devitstype,hostname_tip from pcmgr where hostname_tip like ?''' values = cursor.execute(sql, ('%' + search_hostname_tip + '%',)) for itt in values: lb.insert(END, itt[0] + ' ' + itt[1] + ' ' + itt[2] + ' ' + itt[3] + ' ' + itt[4] + ' ' + itt[ 5] + ' ' + itt[6] + ' ' + itt[7] + ' ' + itt[8] + ' ' + itt[9] + ' ' + itt[10] + ' ' + itt[11]) cursor.close() conn.close() def readyedit(): index = lb.curselection() if (len(index) == 0): return # lb.delete(index) # print(cutwanteditit[1]) #型号 # print(wanteditit[0]) # 序列号 # print(wanteditit[1]) # 型号 wanteditit = lb.get(index) print(type(wanteditit)) if type(wanteditit) is tuple: wanteditititem = wanteditit[0] # 序列号 wanteditititem1 = wanteditit[1] # 型号 wanteditititem2 = wanteditit[2] # ip地址 wanteditititem3 = wanteditit[3] # MAC地址 wanteditititem4 = wanteditit[4] # 使用人 wanteditititem5 = wanteditit[5] # 部门 wanteditititem6 = wanteditit[6] # 电话号码 in_out_lan wanteditititem7 = wanteditit[7] # 点位 port_location wanteditititem8 = wanteditit[8] # 状态(在仓库\在用) use_status wanteditititem9 = wanteditit[9] # 取用日期 getit_time wanteditititem10 = wanteditit[10] # 设备类型 devitstype wanteditititem11 = wanteditit[11] # 备注(\用途) hostname_tip gentry1.delete(0, END) gentry1.insert(0, wanteditititem) gentry2.delete(0, END) gentry2.insert(0, wanteditititem1) gentry3.delete(0, END) gentry3.insert(0, wanteditititem2) gentry4.delete(0, END) gentry4.insert(0, wanteditititem3) gentry5.delete(0, END) gentry5.insert(0, wanteditititem4) gentry6.delete(0, END) gentry6.insert(0, wanteditititem5) gentry7.delete(0, END) gentry7.insert(0, wanteditititem6) gentry8.delete(0, END) gentry8.insert(0, wanteditititem7) gentry9.delete(0, END) gentry9.insert(0, wanteditititem8) gentry10.delete(0, END) gentry10.insert(0, wanteditititem9) gentry11.delete(0, END) gentry11.insert(0, wanteditititem10) gentry12.delete(0, END) gentry12.insert(0, wanteditititem11) if type(wanteditit) is not tuple: #if lb.size()<666: cutwanteditit = wanteditit.split(' ') print(cutwanteditit[0]) # 序列号 切割字符串 gentry1.delete(0, END) gentry1.insert(0, cutwanteditit[0]) gentry2.delete(0, END) gentry2.insert(0, cutwanteditit[1]) gentry3.delete(0, END) gentry3.insert(0, cutwanteditit[2]) gentry4.delete(0, END) gentry4.insert(0, cutwanteditit[3]) gentry5.delete(0, END) gentry5.insert(0, cutwanteditit[4]) gentry6.delete(0, END) gentry6.insert(0, cutwanteditit[5]) gentry7.delete(0, END) gentry7.insert(0, cutwanteditit[6]) gentry8.delete(0, END) gentry8.insert(0, cutwanteditit[7]) gentry9.delete(0, END) gentry9.insert(0, cutwanteditit[8]) gentry10.delete(0, END) gentry10.insert(0, cutwanteditit[9]) gentry11.delete(0, END) gentry11.insert(0, cutwanteditit[10]) gentry12.delete(0, END) gentry12.insert(0, cutwanteditit[11]) def cleanabove(): gentry1.delete(0, END) gentry2.delete(0, END) gentry3.delete(0, END) gentry4.delete(0, END) gentry5.delete(0, END) gentry6.delete(0, END) gentry7.delete(0, END) gentry8.delete(0, END) gentry9.delete(0, END) gentry10.delete(0, END) gentry11.delete(0, END) gentry12.delete(0, END) def howmany_item_sel(): gentry13.delete(0, END) index = lb.curselection() howmany_item=len(index) #global howmany_item #return howmany_item gentry13.insert(0,howmany_item) def updateanpc(): update_pc_sn = input_pc_sn.get() update_pc_model = input_pc_model.get() update_ip_addr = input_ip_addr.get() update_mac_addr = input_mac_addr.get() update_user = input_user.get() update_dept = input_dept.get() update_in_out_lan = input_in_out_lan.get() update_port_location = input_port_location.get() update_use_status = input_use_status.get() update_getit_time = input_getit_time.get() update_devitstype = input_devitstype.get() update_hostname_tip = input_hostname_tip.get() if update_pc_sn is not None: index = lb.curselection() if (len(index) == 0): return # lb.delete(index) wanteditit = lb.get(index) #print(cutwanteditit[0]) # 序列号 切割字符串 wanteditititem = wanteditit[0] conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''UPDATE pcmgr set pc_sn = ? where pc_sn = ?''' if type(wanteditit) is not tuple: cutwanteditit = wanteditit.split(' ') param1=(update_pc_sn,cutwanteditit[0]) values = cursor.execute(sql, param1) if type(wanteditit) is tuple: param = (update_pc_sn, wanteditititem) values = cursor.execute(sql,param) conn.commit() # update db if update_use_status is not None: index = lb.curselection() if (len(index) == 0): return # lb.delete(index) wanteditit = lb.get(index) #print(cutwanteditit[0]) # 序列号 切割字符串 wanteditititem = wanteditit[0] conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''UPDATE pcmgr set use_status = ? where pc_sn = ?''' if type(wanteditit) is not tuple: cutwanteditit = wanteditit.split(' ') param1=(update_use_status,cutwanteditit[0]) values = cursor.execute(sql, param1) if type(wanteditit) is tuple: param = (update_use_status, wanteditititem) values = cursor.execute(sql,param) conn.commit() # update db if update_getit_time is not None: index = lb.curselection() if (len(index) == 0): return # lb.delete(index) wanteditit = lb.get(index) #print(cutwanteditit[0]) # 序列号 切割字符串 wanteditititem = wanteditit[0] conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''UPDATE pcmgr set getit_time = ? where pc_sn = ?''' if type(wanteditit) is not tuple: cutwanteditit = wanteditit.split(' ') param1=(update_getit_time,cutwanteditit[0]) values = cursor.execute(sql, param1) if type(wanteditit) is tuple: param = (update_getit_time, wanteditititem) values = cursor.execute(sql,param) conn.commit() # update db if update_port_location is not None: index = lb.curselection() if (len(index) == 0): return # lb.delete(index) wanteditit = lb.get(index) #print(cutwanteditit[0]) # 序列号 切割字符串 wanteditititem = wanteditit[0] conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''UPDATE pcmgr set port_location = ? where pc_sn = ?''' if type(wanteditit) is not tuple: cutwanteditit = wanteditit.split(' ') param1=(update_port_location,cutwanteditit[0]) values = cursor.execute(sql, param1) if type(wanteditit) is tuple: param = (update_port_location, wanteditititem) values = cursor.execute(sql,param) conn.commit() # update db if update_in_out_lan is not None: index = lb.curselection() if (len(index) == 0): return # lb.delete(index) wanteditit = lb.get(index) #print(wanteditit[0]) # 序列号 #print(cutwanteditit[0]) # 序列号 切割字符串 wanteditititem = wanteditit[0] conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''UPDATE pcmgr set in_out_lan = ? where pc_sn = ?''' if type(wanteditit) is not tuple: cutwanteditit = wanteditit.split(' ') param1=(update_in_out_lan,cutwanteditit[0]) values = cursor.execute(sql, param1) if type(wanteditit) is tuple: param = (update_in_out_lan, wanteditititem) values = cursor.execute(sql,param) conn.commit() # update db if update_ip_addr is not None: index = lb.curselection() if (len(index) == 0): return # lb.delete(index) wanteditit = lb.get(index) #print(wanteditit[0]) # 序列号 #print(cutwanteditit[0]) # 序列号 切割字符串 wanteditititem = wanteditit[0] conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''UPDATE pcmgr set ip_addr = ? where pc_sn = ?''' if type(wanteditit) is not tuple: cutwanteditit = wanteditit.split(' ') param1=(update_ip_addr,cutwanteditit[0]) values = cursor.execute(sql, param1) if type(wanteditit) is tuple: param = (update_ip_addr, wanteditititem) values = cursor.execute(sql,param) conn.commit() # update db if update_dept is not None: index = lb.curselection() if (len(index) == 0): return # lb.delete(index) wanteditit = lb.get(index) #print(wanteditit[0]) # 序列号 #print(cutwanteditit[0]) # 序列号 切割字符串 wanteditititem = wanteditit[0] conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''UPDATE pcmgr set dept = ? where pc_sn = ?''' if type(wanteditit) is not tuple: cutwanteditit = wanteditit.split(' ') param1=(update_dept,cutwanteditit[0]) values = cursor.execute(sql, param1) if type(wanteditit) is tuple: param = (update_dept, wanteditititem) values = cursor.execute(sql,param) conn.commit() # update db if update_user is not None: index = lb.curselection() if (len(index) == 0): return # lb.delete(index) wanteditit = lb.get(index) #print(wanteditit[0]) # 序列号 #print(cutwanteditit[0]) # 序列号 切割字符串 wanteditititem = wanteditit[0] conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''UPDATE pcmgr set user = ? where pc_sn = ?''' if type(wanteditit) is not tuple: cutwanteditit = wanteditit.split(' ') param1=(update_user,cutwanteditit[0]) values = cursor.execute(sql, param1) if type(wanteditit) is tuple: param = (update_user, wanteditititem) values = cursor.execute(sql,param) conn.commit() # update db if update_devitstype is not None: index = lb.curselection() if (len(index) == 0): return # lb.delete(index) wanteditit = lb.get(index) #print(wanteditit[0]) # 序列号 #print(cutwanteditit[0]) # 序列号 切割字符串 wanteditititem = wanteditit[0] conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''UPDATE pcmgr set devitstype = ? where pc_sn = ?''' if type(wanteditit) is not tuple: cutwanteditit = wanteditit.split(' ') param1=(update_devitstype,cutwanteditit[0]) values = cursor.execute(sql, param1) if type(wanteditit) is tuple: param = (update_devitstype, wanteditititem) values = cursor.execute(sql,param) conn.commit() # update db if update_mac_addr is not None: index = lb.curselection() if (len(index) == 0): return # lb.delete(index) wanteditit = lb.get(index) #print(wanteditit[0]) # 序列号 #print(cutwanteditit[0]) # 序列号 切割字符串 wanteditititem = wanteditit[0] conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''UPDATE pcmgr set mac_addr = ? where pc_sn = ?''' if type(wanteditit) is not tuple: cutwanteditit = wanteditit.split(' ') param1=(update_mac_addr,cutwanteditit[0]) values = cursor.execute(sql, param1) if type(wanteditit) is tuple: param = (update_mac_addr, wanteditititem) values = cursor.execute(sql,param) conn.commit() # update db if update_pc_model is not None: index = lb.curselection() if (len(index) == 0): return # lb.delete(index) wanteditit = lb.get(index) #print(wanteditit[0]) # 序列号 #print(cutwanteditit[0]) # 序列号 切割字符串 wanteditititem = wanteditit[0] conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''UPDATE pcmgr set pc_model = ? where pc_sn = ?''' if type(wanteditit) is not tuple: cutwanteditit = wanteditit.split(' ') param1=(update_pc_model,cutwanteditit[0]) values = cursor.execute(sql, param1) if type(wanteditit) is tuple: param = (update_pc_model, wanteditititem) values = cursor.execute(sql,param) conn.commit() # update db if update_hostname_tip is not None: index = lb.curselection() if (len(index) == 0): return # lb.delete(index) wanteditit = lb.get(index) #print(wanteditit[0]) # 序列号 #print(cutwanteditit[0]) # 序列号 切割字符串 wanteditititem = wanteditit[0] conn = sqlite3.connect("gsdevmgr.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''UPDATE pcmgr set hostname_tip = ? where pc_sn = ?''' if type(wanteditit) is not tuple: cutwanteditit = wanteditit.split(' ') param1=(update_hostname_tip,cutwanteditit[0]) values = cursor.execute(sql, param1) if type(wanteditit) is tuple: param = (update_hostname_tip, wanteditititem) values = cursor.execute(sql,param) conn.commit() # update db def runingpb(): for i in range(100): pb['value']=i+1 root.update() time.sleep(0.05) from tkinter import ttk from ttkthemes import * #root=tk.Tk() root = ThemedTk(theme="radiance", toplevel=True, themebg=True) root.title('Rogabet 电脑\显示器\电话等-库存-资产管理') root.geometry('1379x690') #表的操作 b1=ttk.Button(root,text="建设备管理表",width=21,command=createpcmgr) b1.grid(row=0,column=0) b2=ttk.Button(root,text="新添填写条目",width=21,command=add_anpc) b2.grid(row=0,column=1) b3=ttk.Button(root,text="删除选中条目",width=21,command=itemdeleted) b3.grid(row=0,column=2) b4=ttk.Button(root,text="保存修改条目",width=21,command=updateanpc) b4.grid(row=0,column=3) b5=ttk.Button(root,text="查看所有条目",width=21,command=showallpcs) b5.grid(row=0,column=4) b6=ttk.Button(root,text="查询某个条目",width=21,command=searchanpc) b6.grid(row=0,column=5) b7=ttk.Button(root,text="点下方某记录->点本按钮->编辑上方填项->点'保存修改'->修改条目完成",width=71,command=readyedit) b7.grid(row=5,column=0,columnspan=3) b8=ttk.Button(root,text="清空下方显示区域",width=37,command=cleanthem) b8.grid(row=5,column=3,rowspan=2,columnspan=2) b9=ttk.Button(root,text="清空上方填项",width=21,command=cleanabove) b9.grid(row=5,column=5) b10=ttk.Button(root,text="device.csv导入库",width=21,command=csv2db) b10.grid(row=6,column=5) b11=ttk.Button(root,text="选择下方多条记录后,点击本按钮导出到exportdev.txt(\csv)",width=71,command=db2txt) b11.grid(row=6,column=0,columnspan=3) #信息填写区域 l1=ttk.Label(root,text=' 序列号: ',width=21) l1.grid(row=1,column=0) input_pc_sn = StringVar() gentry1 = Entry(root, textvariable=input_pc_sn, width=21) gentry1.grid(row=1,column=1) l2=ttk.Label(root,text=' 型号: ') l2.grid(row=1,column=2) input_pc_model = StringVar() gentry2 = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable=input_pc_model, width=21) gentry2.grid(row=1,column=3) l3=ttk.Label(root,text=' IP地址: ') l3.grid(row=1,column=4) input_ip_addr = StringVar() gentry3 = Entry(root, textvariable=input_ip_addr, width=21) gentry3.grid(row=1,column=5) l4=ttk.Label(root,text=" MAC地址(用'-'分割):" ) l4.grid(row=2,column=0) input_mac_addr = StringVar() gentry4 = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable=input_mac_addr, width=21) gentry4.grid(row=2,column=1) l5=ttk.Label(root,text=' 使用人: ') l5.grid(row=2,column=2) input_user = StringVar() gentry5 = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable=input_user, width=21) gentry5.grid(row=2,column=3) l6=ttk.Label(root,text=' 部门: ') l6.grid(row=2,column=4) input_dept = StringVar() gentry6 = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable=input_dept, width=21) gentry6.grid(row=2,column=5) l7=ttk.Label(root,text=' 用途(办公\内网): ') l7.grid(row=3,column=0) input_in_out_lan = StringVar() gentry7 = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable=input_in_out_lan, width=21) gentry7.grid(row=3,column=1) l8=ttk.Label(root,text='网线点位: ') l8.grid(row=3,column=2) input_port_location = StringVar() gentry8 = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable=input_port_location, width=21) gentry8.grid(row=3,column=3) l9=ttk.Label(root,text=' 状态(在仓库\在用): ') l9.grid(row=3,column=4) input_use_status = StringVar() gentry9 = Entry(root, textvariable=input_use_status, width=21) gentry9.grid(row=3,column=5) l10=ttk.Label(root,text=' 取用日期(2021-8-17): ') l10.grid(row=4,column=0) input_getit_time = StringVar() gentry10 = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable=input_getit_time, width=21) gentry10.grid(row=4,column=1) l11=ttk.Label(root,text=' 设备类(IP电话\笔记本\台式机): ') l11.grid(row=4,column=2) input_devitstype = StringVar() gentry11 = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable=input_devitstype, width=21) gentry11.grid(row=4,column=3) l12=ttk.Label(root,text=' 主机名\通讯号码: ') l12.grid(row=4,column=4) input_hostname_tip = StringVar() gentry12 = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable=input_hostname_tip, width=21) gentry12.grid(row=4,column=5) mylisttitle=" -- 系列号 ------ 型号 ------- ip地址 ---- MAC地址 --- 使用人 部门 - 用途 点位 状态 - 取用日期 - 设备类型 - 主机名\号码 -------------------------------------------- " l13=ttk.Label(root,text=mylisttitle) l13.grid(columnspan=6) #l14=ttk.Label(root,text='计数条目个数: ') #l14.grid(row=9,column=1) lb=Listbox(root ,width=170,height=25,selectmode=EXTENDED) lb.grid(columnspan=6) b12=ttk.Button(root,text="计数选择条目",width=21,command=howmany_item_sel) b12.grid(row=9,column=0) input_howmany_sel = StringVar() gentry13 = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable=input_howmany_sel, width=15) gentry13.grid(row=9,column=1) pb = ttk.Progressbar(root, length = 850, value = 0, mode = "determinate") pb.grid(row=9,column=2,columnspan=4) pb['maximum']=100 pb['value'] =0 #root.Show() #用于多次打开窗体 root.mainloop() #del root #用于多次打开窗体
删当前和子目录重复文件 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-import os # 加载文件管理库 # path = r"C:\Users\guest05\Desktop\cc" from pathlib import Path import hashlib import time def getmd5(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() file_md5 = hashlib.new("md5", data).hexdigest() return file_md5 def main(): allfile3 = [] def getallfile(path2): allfilelist = os.listdir(path2) for file in allfilelist: filepath = os.path.join(path2, file) # 判断是不是文件夹 if os.path.isdir(filepath): getallfile(filepath) # add sub folder's files allfile3.append(filepath) # path = folderlistpath3 path2 = os.getcwd() getallfile(path2) # path = r"C:\Users\guest05\Desktop\cc" for item3 in allfile3: all_size = {} total_file = 0 total_delete = 0 all_files = Path(item3).glob('*.*') all_files = sorted(all_files, reverse=True) # all_files=allfile3 for file in all_files: # for file in allfile3: # if file in allfile3: size = file.stat().st_size name_and_md5 = [file, ''] if size in all_size.keys(): new_md5 = getmd5(file) if all_size[size][1] == '': all_size[size][1] = getmd5(all_size[size][0]) if new_md5 in all_size[size]: file.unlink() total_delete += 1 else: all_size[size].append(new_md5) else: all_size[size] = name_and_md5 total_file += 1 print(f'删除当前目录重复文件-子目录') print(f'文件总数:{total_file}') print(f'删除个数:{total_delete}') time.sleep(3) # current root delete same files path = os.getcwd() all_size = {} total_file = 0 total_delete = 0 all_files = Path(path).glob('*.*') all_files = sorted(all_files, reverse=True) for file in all_files: size = file.stat().st_size name_and_md5 = [file, ''] if size in all_size.keys(): new_md5 = getmd5(file) if all_size[size][1] == '': all_size[size][1] = getmd5(all_size[size][0]) if new_md5 in all_size[size]: file.unlink() total_delete += 1 else: all_size[size].append(new_md5) else: all_size[size] = name_and_md5 total_file += 1 print(f'删除当前目录重复文件') print(f'文件总数:{total_file}') print(f'删除个数:{total_delete}') time.sleep(3) if __name__ == '__main__': main()